Ultrasound test detects 96% of ovarian cancers in postmenopausal women
An ultrasound test that detected 96% of ovarian cancers in postmenopausal women should replace the current standard of care test in the UK according to a new study.
An ultrasound test that detected 96% of ovarian cancers in postmenopausal women should replace the current standard of care test in the UK according to a new study.
As a new federal regulation that requires mammography centers to tell their patients how dense their breasts are takes effect, experts explain what breast density is and why it is important.
MRI scans could replace invasive heart tests, as new research shows they can reliably estimate pressures inside the heart to predict if a patient will develop heart failure.
The geographic distance to facilities offering breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or ultrasound is further than to those offering mammography, according to a study published online Aug. 12 in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
Newly published research in The Lancet Oncology lays the foundation for many patients with head and neck cancers to be treated with tailored therapies that are less invasive and to avoid major, potentially debilitating surgeries. This step toward a major shift in practice is prompted by new imaging guidelines established in the study. As a result, imaging techniques like CT, PET and MRI can be better utilized to determine the aggressiveness of the cancer and point patients toward radiation therapy instead of surgery in certain cases.